Friday, October 28, 2011

Baby Bait---Come on out!

I may have mentioned a time or two .... or ten... that we are expecting a new granddaughter in our family very soon.  She is due on Sunday, but everyone is ready NOW! 

Today I decided to take matters into my own hands and create some baby bait.  What would entice her to leave the shelter of the womb and venture into our world?  I knew it would have to be something soft and warm and beautiful.

Inspired by one of my Facebook friends who recently made taggy blankets for her twins, I decided on a taggy blanket for our little one.  I may have read that "taggy" is a copyrighted name, so from here on out, I will refer to my creation as a "silky smooth, buttery soft, baby sized blanky with ribbon loops".  Or not.

Here it is ....

This taggy blanket is made with chocolate-y brown, buttery soft minky fabric on one side and pale pink silky smooth and shimmery satin on the other side.  It feels divine! 

The ribbon loops on the edges were made using grossgrain and satin ribbons in various widths and lengths.  Apparently babies like these kinds of things. 

Here's hoping that Aaliyah Cadence hears about this and can't wait to make it her own! 

I was going to blog about burp cloths and nursing pads, too, but it doesn't seem right to showcase this taggy blanket in the same post with items used to sop up breastmilk and baby puke, so I'll save those for tomorrow. 

Here's one last glimpse of today's baby bait.


Anonymous said...

Elaine....this is beautiful!

Dawn Hale said...

Love it! Did you find the minky hard to work with?

Grandma Rowe said...

Love it Elaine ! This better work I'm tired of waiting! LOL

Elaine said...

Dawn, I didn't mind working with the minky since it was such a small project. I had read somewhere to pin, pin, pin the minky fabric. So I did!

Elaine said...

Thank you, Anonymous and Grandma Rowe. I'm glad you like it!

cindy said...

so nice! A big one would be so neat too!